NorthTec Application Form

Programme of Study

This application form is the first step along the path to enrolment. You will not be fully enrolled until:

  1. You complete and submit this Application Form.
  2. You have received formal written notification that your application has been successful.
  3. You have returned the 'offer of place' acceptance document to confirm your place on your programme of study. You will receive this 'offer of place' with your formal notification.

Course Details

Manual Entry
If you have New Zealand residency, citizenship or refugee status, or if you are from Australia, Niue, the Cook Islands, and Tokelau, you should follow the application process for NZ domestic students.
Please note that some programmes may be full-time or part-time only.
If applicable, provide additional programme details not included above (e.g. "Part-time"; "AMIF603 - Introduction to Finance paper only"; "Accounting Major" etc.)

Personal Information

Have you previously enrolled under another name, or are you known by another name?
Number and Street
Post code
What ethnic group(s) do you belong to? (Choose up to six)
If this is the first time you have registered with NorthTec (or you have never supplied documents in the past) you need to provide a verified copy of evidence of your full legal name and age.
Max file size 10MB.
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Acceptable documents include:

  • Birth Certificate, Passport or Certificate of Citizenship (with place of birth stated as New Zealand, Cook Islands, Tokelau, Niue, or Australia).
  • Overseas Passport with residency stamp, work permit or student permit for international students.
  • Certificate of Identity (from the New Zealand Immigration Service).
  • Marriage Certificate or Deed Poll declaration (for change of legal name only).
  • Statement of Whakapapa: A verified copy of a whakapapa statement is acceptable only when a birth certificate cannot be obtained. Both the learner and a kaumatua must sign the whakapapa as evidence of identity and citizenship.
This information is confidential to Te Pūkenga but it could be used by the Student Advisors to obtain further resources and support that will assist you in your studies.

Learning Record

Please provide the year you were last at secondary school, along with the name of the school.
Name of School
To carry out the selection process, it is advisable to supply us with a copy of your school grades and/or NZQA record of learning. If you are a NZ domestic mature student, and you do not have copies, a current Curriculum Vitae is acceptable.
Max file size 10MB.
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Does not include enrolments in STAR, Trade Academies or community hobby classes.

Additional Information

During your time studying in this qualification will you be resident in New Zealand or overseas?
This field is optional and only used for Fees Free. You do not need to provide your IRD number if you have already used your Fees Free entitlement or know you or your qualification are not eligible for Fees Free.
What was your MAIN activity or occupation in New Zealand last year?
Please enter your details of your next of kin, close friend, who we can contact in case of emergency
Relationship to you:
Email (Optional):
Address (Optional):
If you wish, you may upload additional information in support of your application (e.g. CV, work references, design portfolio)
Max file size 10MB.
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Student Declaration and Conditions

Privacy – All personal information that you provide on a Te Pūkenga website will be held exclusively by Te Pūkenga for the purposes set out in our Privacy Policy.

By providing your personal information, you are deemed to consent to your information being shared within Te Pūkenga, in order to ensure that Te Pūkenga is able to perform the functions that it is established to perform and best serve all staff and learners.

Fees – I agree to pay all fees as they become due, and to meet any late fees and collection charges associated with debt recovery.

Rules – I have read and agree to comply with the statutes, regulations, rules and policies of NorthTec.

Health and Safety – You undertake to disclose, prior to enrolment, all health information that might affect your ability to complete the programme or the health and safety of yourself or others. If you do not disclose all relevant information staff will be unable to advise you appropriately and you may enrol on a programme that you are unable to complete.

Educational Regulatory Framework – I have read and agree with the information in the document entitled “Notification Document: Guidance as to how Te Pūkenga will transition learners onto the new educational regulatory framework and terms and conditions of enrolment from 1 January 2023”

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