Please pay your invoice by the due date. The due date for all fees is the start date of your course. Fees must be paid in New Zealand Dollars and can be paid online or via any one of the following methods.
Pay Online
Pay now by VISA, Mastercard, or account2account (online bank transfer)
Online payments are processed through the secure online payment system Windcave. NorthTec will not store or transfer any of your credit card information. Windcave are certified with all the major credit card schemes and are PCI DSS compliant to make online transactions safe, smooth and secure.

Internet Banking
Transfer funds directly to NorthTec’s bank account using Internet Banking or Telegraphic Transfer.
Bank and Branch: Westpac, Auckland
Account Name: Te Pukenga - NZIST - NorthTec
Account Number: 03-0104-0981085-00
Particulars: Enter your Name
Code: Enter the reason for payment (e.g. fees, printing, library fine)
Reference: Enter your Student ID/Invoice number
SWIFT Code: WPACNZ2W (International payments only)
If using Bill Pay, please select: NorthTec - Northland Polytechnic
On Campus
We accept cash (in small limited amounts), EFTPOS, or VISA/Mastercard (subject to individual bank limits) over the counter at most campuses.
Student Loan (StudyLink)
The Ministry of Social Development administers the Student Loan Scheme. For all enquiries please visit StudyLink.
You must apply for your student loan before the due date for payment of fees. Please take care to authorise the payment of your tuition fees directly to NorthTec. Once your loan has been approved, StudyLink will contact NorthTec to confirm payment of fees by loan and to request details of your course of study. After you have your course approved, NorthTec will confirm your details with StudyLink to allow payment of tuition fees to proceed. You do not need to contact the Registry Office as StudyLink will do this directly.
Scholarships & Third Party Payments
If your tuition fees are to be paid by an external scholarship, trust fund, employer etc and you have received a fee account, please contact the Finance Office immediately on 0800 808 856 for information on how to pay before the due date of payment.
Please note, we do not generally automatically send out fee receipts unless specifically requested. To obtain a fee receipt please contact us, or drop in to reception on campus.