NorthTec has a set of strategic relationships with industry organisations, institutions and advisors to further enable us to meet our mission.
NorthTec - Tai Tokerau Wānanga has established critical partners across Te Tai Tokerau including our partnership with the collective of all northern Iwi under the umbrella of Te Kahu O Taonui, and through Hapū based partnerships and approaches such as with Ngāti Rēhia and ngā hapū ō Whangārei Terenga Parāoa.
Iwi partnerships

Te Kahu O Taonui was established in 2006/7 and is now a collective of the twelve Iwi in Te Taitokerau representing Ngāti Kuri, Te Aupōuri, Te Rarawa, Ngai Takoto, Ngāti Kahu, Kahukuraariki, Whaingaroa, Ngāpuhi, Ngāti Hine, Ngāti Wai, Te Roroa and Ngāti Whātua.
Te Kahu O Taonui has co-invested with NorthTec in the delivery of a range of supports for whānau and ākonga including the health led Kaimanaaki support programme to support whānau making informed decisions about their health and wellbeing by supporting training for Kaimanaaki including induction training across more than 100 Kaimanaaki in a joint approach which also included the then DHB for the region.
The model represents the transformation of the Vocational Education Training with an approach that stretches the boundaries of the traditional education provider centred approach and delivery model.
Seventy Kaimanaaki have already undertaken voluntary training having a net impact of establishing a baseline practice for a new and increasing workforce working with and for communities in Te Tai Tokerau which has triggered the engagement of approx. forty Kaimanaaki to undertake the Level 5 diploma in Whānau Ora with full support from their health and social service employers.
We also partnered with Te Kahu O Taonui in a further co-investment opportunity to build cabins with our ākonga at our Dyer Steet Trades Campus to support whānau with ongoing chronic overcrowding conditions and needing to isolate whānau from health conditions such as Covid-19.
This approach supported ākonga in the trade’s programmes needing practical hours on real projects directly bringing benefit to our northern communities and whānau.

Hapū partnerships
Together with Ngāti Rēhia we are jointly overseeing our Te Pou O Manako Campus in Kerikeri. With our campus management and support staff jointly delivered by ourselves and Ngāti Rēhia, we are bringing relevance to our campuses by ensuring local voices, local delivery and Hapū decision making is part of the campus operations there. This has revitalised the campus and injected local and community input into the decision-making process which have benefited our ākonga and Kaimahi immensely.
We aim to extend this across all our campuses including discussions with ngā hapū o Whangārei Terenga Parāoa for Raumanga and Dyer Street, and other Tai Tokerau Iwi/Hapū for our Ngāwhā and Kaitaia Campuses.
These partnerships with Hapū/Iwi have shown we can advance the regions needs and whānau wellbeing through our joint efforts.
Our innovative approach in harnessing our collective impact helps to meet a range of Te Pūkenga priorities including:
- Giving effect to Te Tiriti o Waitangi in all that we do.
- Providing exceptional learning experiences and equitable outcomes for Māori.
- Being learner centred to empower diversity, belonging, and wellbeing.
- Partnering with employers to deliver relevant work-integrated education that meets skills needs
- Delivering regional flexibility and nationally consistent outcomes
- Creating barrier free access, mobility across, and clear pathways within the network for learners
Māori Provider partnerships
We also and have continually supported Māori providers to deliver programmes either jointly or through subcontracted arrangements to bring vocational training into the communities where provision might not be able to be delivered through any other means. This includes Marae based Te Reo programmes across the region and other programmes where there is a clear demand from the community and from ākonga.
This has resulted in various arrangements including the recent partnership with Te Wānanga o Hokianga, led by a group of committed hapū representatives to deliver construction training on the Rawene training site in the Hokianga and Te Maramataka: a village- learning structured programme, field and marae based, within the hapū. This initial delivery enables us to explore more sustainable delivery options where local communities have identified vocational education as a critical enabler of their development and growth aspirations.
Going forward we expect to expand on these great joint approaches for further partnerships that benefit our region and add value to our ākonga journey.
Local Advisory Committees
To maintain a consistently high standard of delivery and relevance of our programmes, NorthTec consults with key relevant stakeholders when developing and reviewing our curriculum.
Through consultation we can fine-tune our curricula and delivery to ensure that students receive an education that is up-to-date, focused, and relevant to their chosen field. To achieve this, we have established Local Advisory Committees (LACs).
The purpose of Local Advisory Committees is to develop and maintain effective relationships between NorthTec and its stakeholders. These take place in LAC meetings, which are largely strategic in nature.
- LACs Exist for each programme area
- Normally consist of between 7-15 members* who are invited to join by the Programme Manager
- Meet at least bi-annually, but sometimes more often*
- Provide advice and support as well as an open forum for the programme and its stakeholders
- Advise on new opportunities in education and training
- Promote NorthTec courses, programmes, and events to stakeholder groups
In addition to Local Advisory Committees, each programme area has established advisory processes with Industry. The LACs in some programme areas utilise existing industry or community committees to function as their advisory committee.
Local Industry & Businesses
NorthTec works closely with industry and businesses to meet the needs of the Northland community. We work with local businesses to provide our students with industry-relevant experience through work placements, internships, industry projects and on-site training.
NorthTec also works in partnership with local stakeholders through Local Advisor Committees and Industry Training Organisations, to ensure that our curriculum meets industry needs.