
He Rangahau

NorthTec supports research activities that provide economic, social, cultural and environmental impacts.

NorthTec undertakes research to inform the teaching on the applied degrees that we offer. Applied research is often delivered in partnership with business organisations and involves the practical application of science, knowledge, and technology for specific client-driven purposes.

The provision of business and industry-focused research and consultancy by staff is important to NorthTec. We invite expressions of interest from businesses wishing to link to staff expertise in professional and applied research.

Research and Ethics Committee

The core objectives of the Research and Ethics Committee is to support our educational activities and enable Better lives through education for our students, stakeholders and communities. Committee thinking will align with the NorthTec strategic goals.

  • Provides leadership and advice to staff in relation to research.
  • Promote strong relationships between research and teaching and learning, especially for staff teaching on degrees.
  • Approves and allocates contestable funds for research, ensuring proper accountability is maintained.
  • Monitors the implementation of the tenets of the Treaty of Waitangi in research and make recommendations for improvement.
  • Ensures all research undertaken at NorthTec is consistent with relevant legislation, recognised ethical standards and research methodologies appropriate to the field of research.
    - Including compliance for animal and human ethics requirements under section 141/142 Animal Welfare Act 1999 and the New Zealand Public Health and Disability Act 2000

An important strategic component of our role in the development of the North is to support research activities that provide economic, social, cultural and environmental impacts.

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